What are “simples” in herbalism?
I am definitely a Susun Weed groupie. I really vibe with so many of her teachings, one of which I´m about to share with you. Also, this is not just her thing. This idea of “simples” is a basic tenet of herbalism.
In herbalism a “simple” is a remedy or medicine made with just one plant.
So if you have a tincture, then it´s just one plant in that tincture. Example: a dandelion root tincture.
If you have a salve, then it´s just one plant in that salve. Example: chickweed salve.
If you have an infusion, then it´s just one plant in that infusion. Example: nettle leaf infusion.
You get the picture. One plant per remedy, whatever the vehicle might be (water, oil, alcohol, etc.)
But why work with “simples”. Are they so simple in fact that they are basic and inferior to tinctures and other remedies that blend plants together to work in synergy with each other?
I absolutely do not doubt that plants can work well together and even augment some of the benefits of their brothers and sisters when they are used in the same formula. I don´t doubt this because plants work together in Nature (duh!). We now know that life is more about cooperation than competition. Without disrespecting the sovereignty and sacredness of the individual, we can also recognize that no being exists in isolation and that one plus one can be greater than two if the ones are the right ones. You feel me?
However, the fact is that the most effective path towards building a relationship with the plant world is to start relating to plants as individual beings. If you buy a “help me sleep” tincture that blends four plants together and after a few weeks of use, you say “wow this really helped me”. How do you know that it wasn´t just one of those plants that was most effective at helping you? If you bought the tincture, how do you know in which proportions each plant can help you? You don´t.
When you buy remedies made from other people that blend plants together you are not learning information about how EACH individual plant allies with YOUR body. And that´s ok. Maybe that´s the path you are on and you want to keep buying that particular product from that particular person because it works for you. Great! Maybe you can even attempt successfully to mimic that product (or the person tells you straight up how they make it and in what proportions they blend the plants together).
BUT if you want to start diving into the nuances of valerian root vs, hops. vs. skullcap vs. passionflower for aiding sleep, then you really must start by learning about and relating to (and consuming) each plant on its own.
As the years go by and your relationships deepen, maybe you do start to blend plants, not only for yourself but also for other people who don´t necessarily want to commit to long-term relationships with these plant allies.
However, it´s a wise idea as you begin to take steps into this world of plant medicine, that you work with “simples” at least for a bit. When we work with a “simple” medicine we know that it is far from actually being simple. Each plant is a spectacular being on its own, with thousands of plant constituents, some called “active “by scientists and others called “passive”.
ONLY TOGETHER - in one grand, harmonious orchestra, do all of these plant constituents - however labelled by science - work together to aid you on your path of health and healing.
Start simply. Live simply. Open your heart. And magic happens.
Thanks for reading.
In love and gratitude,